
The required dependencies (essentially JAVA) are automatically installed when installing eclipse. In Arch Linux just do

$ sudo pacman -S eclipse

Download SAP GUI for JAVA

You can download the latest SAP GUI for JAVA from the Softwarecenter in SAP Launchpad. Go to the tab “Support packages & patches” and follow the path “By Category” -> “SAP Frontend Components” -> “SAP GUI for JAVA”.

Install SAP GUI for JAVA

$ java -jar Platin...

Just set installation directory (i.e. ~/bin/SAP)

Change JAVA JRE for Eclipse

Since I have almost no use for Java apart from these two programs, I just set the default JRE to the one provided by SAP GUI for JAVA. Edit /etc/profile.d/ and add the JRE Path in front of the path definition.

Install ADT

The ABAP Development Tools can be found at For latest eclipse, use the software site and install the components you use.

Install Eclipse Plugins

Personally, I use some additional eclipse plugins like vim keybindings, relative line numbers and “darkest dark” theme, as well as some ABAP specific plugins like “ABAP Insights” and “ABAP Favourite Package”. All plugins I use are marked as favourites within my marketplace account, so they can be installed by a single click.

Fixes for tiling window managers

When used in a tiling window manager like bspwm, Java applacations are not behaving correctly. When resizing a window, they do not resize their content, leaving empty grey areas in the resized regions.

To fix this, there are multiple steps. First, append


to /etc/profile.d/

Then, install wmname and add following to ~/.xinitrc:

export AWT_TOOLKIT=MToolkit
wmname bspwm